FILM | |||
The Academy Awake Bagman Rising Broken The Damned The Devil’s Due Divide Elvis vs. The Aliens Ghost Hunters Give and Take Gone By Dawn 2: Dead By Dusk Holder of the Night John, 316 Love Hate Tragedy One Minute to Prove Yourself Ordinary Decent Criminal Thousand Yard Stare Three Two Riders Were Approaching | Lead Lead Supporting Supporting Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Featured Featured Lead Supporting Supporting Lead Lead Featured Supporting Supporting | Dir. Kenneth Barr Dir. David Heacock Dir. Logan Wilson Dir. Patrick Phillips Dir. David N.O. Dir. Andrew Tougas Dir. Martin Truscott Dir. Jeff Burke Dir. Christina Estillore Dir. Frederick Jay Dir. Shaun Donnelly Dir. Arthur Mah Dir. Jarvis Grenier Dir. Matt Acosta Dir. Christina Estillore Dir. Kenneth Barr Dir. Aaron Kurmey Dir. Ajay Patel Dir. Jeff Burke | |
Christmas Cupcakes Equilibria The Legend of Mindi | Supporting Supporting Supporting | Dir. Dylan Pearce Dir. Andrew Guardamano Dir. Gabby Moukhaiber | |
Fantasy Scoreboards Replay Arena | Principal Supporting | TV/internet spot TV/theater spot | |
Awake Canada Hunts West (S 2, Ep 12) Christmas Cupcakes The Devil’s Due Prairie Pursuit (S 2, Ep 9) Tall Tales Tsunami Falls A Frosty Affair Better Supervision Corrective Action Video | Writer Writer Co-Writer Writer Writer Writer Co-Writer Rewrites Writer | Dir. David Heacock Dir. Landon Moseson Dir. Dylan Pearce Dir. Andrew Tougas Dir. Vincent Varga Dir. Dylan Pearce Dir. Brian McWha Dir. Dylan Pearce Dir. Jaro Malanowski |